Thursday, September 23, 2010

Concept for Midterm

So, after reviewing my previously posted proposal, I am going to continue with my idea of narratives involving a child going from reality to a fantasy land to go on a quest, complete some task that changes them in some way, and returns back to reality a changed character. With my narrative, it will be a little girl who falls asleep and dreams of stark, nightmarish forest. Soon after she enters this forest, she becomes surrounded by these emaciated skeleton deer creatures. After becoming trapped them, a chief deer (distinguished by his impressive antlers) appears from the shadows and tells her that in order to spare her life and risk never returning home to her bed, she must go into the heart of the woods and retrieve the sacred totem of their pack; only a human can touch the totem. So, she must embark on a journey to get the totem back and return to her sleeping body.

The basic idea is a little girl turning her nightmare back into a normal dream that also parallels as a journey of self-discovery. It will executed in a cutout style that is also animated as though it is a pop-up book. This includes the assets in each scene appearing as though tabbed through a book page and some parts of the book unfolding or expanding. It will be a minimal color palette that looks as though it is drawn on paper bag material with the only fill and line colors being white and black. There may almost be some very muted, chromatic grays if deemed necessary. All of the rigging will also have images of brads superimposed over the joints to appear as based in the real world as possible.

Concept images:

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